A highly-educated workforce and reliable talent pipeline via our local universities, a city that appeals to millennials and a track record for technology innovation to support the insurance industry make Columbia a go-to city for software and IT service companies.

IBM opened its $25 million Center for Applied Innovation in 2016 to develop real-world applications for the Internet of Things.

Capgemini opened a new Advanced Technology and Security Operations center in the city after purchasing an insurance technology start-up here.

VC3, headquartered in Columbia, provides information technology design and services to hundreds of companies and municipalities across the country.

TrueMatter, user experience experts for app, website and digital product design, just relocated their firm to the BullStreet District in 2019.

Vän Robotics has produced the first desktop-sized smart robot to tutor children, being used now in schools across the U.S.

Two firms, Land Intelligence and REsimplfi, as using technology to provide new analytical and marketing tools for the real estate sector.

Software and IT Services Stats

Over 10,000

College graduates annually

Top 5

U.S. city for high-tech employment growth

Bay Area Council Economic Institute


U.S. city for attracting millennial movers


Over 22,000

Employed in IT & Office industries regionally

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Resources & Incentives

Opportunity Zones
Eight contiguous census zones provide tax incentives, including acreage and office space in highly desirable downtown locations.

USC/Columbia Technology Incubator, helps entrepreneurs move from idea to startup with office space and support. One of Inc. Magazine’s “Top 3 College Incubators to Watch.”

A nonprofit training academy founded by BlueCross BlueShield and IBM. Expands the talent pool for technology positions

Makes loans and investments to support innovation in key sectors, including information technology.

Provides free or reduced cost assistance with recruitment, curriculum design, instructors and training sites for businesses—including Nephron, GE and BMW.

A USC-led economic development zone; connects university resources with entrepreneurs and businesses. Home to IBM’s Center for Applied Innovation, among others.

See more resources and incentives!


Connect With Us

Columbia is a great place to do business. Our team is here to make it easy, too. We can help you with:

  • Site visits
  • Finding available office space or land
  • Negotiating incentive packages
  • Logistics and transportation expertise
  • Working with service providers and government offices
  • Connecting to the talented, skilled workforce you need

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